Septic Tank SO14
Having a smelly septic tank can be a source of concern- and rightly so. The smell could range from mildly offensive to downright unbearable. The smell could be as a result of a number of things and could be cause for concern. It could be as result of heavy rainfall. When it rains, there is a change in atmospheric pressure which causes the air to be heavy. This leaves methane gas trapped under the ground unable to escape through the vents. This can give a foul rotten egg smell.
Another probable cause of septic tank odours is flushing inorganic waste down to the septic tank. It is important to keep the pH of the septic tank at a range – usually between 6.8 and 7.6. Flushing inorganic waste into the septic tank could cause release of hydrogen sulphide gas, which has a rotten egg smell. The smell could also be caused by downdrafts due to cold weather.
A smelly septic tank does not have to be a source for concern. If it persists for more than a day, you should talk to our Septic Tank SO14 expert to come check it out to prevent the septic tank from failing. It is better to err on the side of caution.