Septic Tank Street
If you have just bought a home that has a septic tank Street based, then you may not know exactly where in your property the tank is located. It is important to know this, as you may need to have it repaired in the future, and will almost certainly want to have it maintained. The good news is that there are two main ways in which you can tell exactly where your tank is.
The first way is by looking at your grass. If there is an area that seems to be growing better than the others, then there is a fairly good chance that there is a septic tank under the ground. This is more likely with older installations. If they are newer, however, then there is a larger chance that there will be a record of its location on a plan. This would be helpful, as it means that you could pinpoint it exactly, so you should get in touch with your local planning department to find out more. It is important that you know where your tank is in case there are any issues further down the line, so this is certainly something that you should do sooner rather than later.